Sussex Light
Thank-you for your interest in Brewery 288.
Brewery 288 Sussex Light is a lower strength (2.8% ABV) version of the Sussex Ale ale that still tastes like a beer should ie. malt and hops.
The trend in UK ales is largely driven by the US 'craft' scene but we are not subscribed to that scene.
This ale still has character, flavour and taste with the added benefit that you needn't write off the following day.
You can still enjoy downing a few in rounds with your friends and nip home in one piece.
Drinking tip: (APART FROM CONSUME SWIFTLY) keep your beers in the fridge to preserve freshness and keep out light, just remove half hour or so prior to drinking to get to perfect guzzling temperature.
Our brewer is a Chemical Engineer and his mission is to ensure your continued drinking pleasure. All Brewery 288 beer is always being refined and produced to the best possible standards.
Brewery 288 does not pasteurise or sterilise our beer, we do not employ in-line adjustments for ABV or colour or bitterness like all the big breweries because we believe traditional ale is real ale made with patience, care, love and full respect for the beer, its drinkers and the environment. Expect sediment; pour carefully to avoid it or enjoy the full flavour experience - completely harmless to consume.
All our ales are hand made in our own brewery using British equipment and British suppliers and packaging for your drinking enjoyment.